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Monday, March 25, 2013

Living in your worst nightmare chapter 2 pg 11

After eating breakfast we went up to the attic. We brought blankets and pillows with us. We made a tent so that no dust would fall and land on us when we went to sleep. I took out my amulet and put it on. As did the rest of us. We were having a thunderstorm. So yay for us. We could here the tapping of the lightly falling raindrops on the roof. "Hey guys listen to this..." I said. I read the newspaper I was reading aloud. It said:
                                                       1821 May 17
Charleston Brooks has mysteriously disappeared. After searching the entire city we have sent out a group of searchers in every state to look for him. We found no evidence or trails of where he could be. Then when we took a second look in his house there he layed on his couch, dead. No cuts or scars. They took an autopsy. No trace of poisoning. We will be doing further research.
      I looked at the others in shock. "He has our last name." Said Ariel. "He was found dead on our birthday." I added. Just then a strike of thunder hit. "Girls! Look! The amulets!" Yelled Janet. We all looked down at the amulets. They were glowing. But they were glowing the color they were and the color let of a streak. The streaks all aligned and went to the top of the ceiling. But what happened next was what surprised us... The ceiling opened. But not to the pouring rain. To an even darker realm. Where there was no blue at all in the sky. Not a star or a moon was in sight. All that was there was dark clouds.Then a ladder dropped out of the portal, and being the curious girls that we were we climbed up it. "What is this-" I said but I got cut off when I saw the portal we had taken to here had disappeared. "No!" We all yelled and banged on the ground. "How do we get out of here!?" Asked Nicole who was in tears. "I-I don't know. But don't worry. We will be OK. I promise." I said. I continued to walk north. I smiled. "Guys look! A castle!" I yelled and started running to the giant palace that lay ahead of me. "Halt!" Said a man who stepped in front of us. "Who are you?" He said. He was in armor like a knight. "U-um... I-I'm Shaeleigh Brooks." I said. "I couldn't see his face but I knew he was surprised by the way he stiffened up. "And who are they?" He asked. Leaning toward my friends and sister. "Well the one in the middle is my sister Ariel Brooks and the one on the very left is Janet. Next to her, Nicole, and the one on the right, that's Carly." I said, gaining confidence. "Very well. What brought you here?" Asked the man. "Our amulets." I said. We all un-tucked the amulets from out of under our shirts. He once again stiffened. "You may pass. With these instructions. You go straight. Until you arrive to the golden doors. Walk through the doors and approach the master. Do nothing else or face the punishment." He said Letting us pass. We did nothing but listen to him. We walked straight until we arrived at the fifty feet tall golden doors. Two Knights stepped infront of us and opened the doors. There. Sitting on a throne was the master. Who we would meet. I hope all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. You saw my sister Nicole's blog The Secret right? That shouldn't be a question I know you have. Saw the comment. I found her password. :) Anyway can you check out this blog?
    She didn't write it I did. Check it out on you're own time. Feel free to ask questions and great story. :)
    P. S. I just made the first page like idk five minutes ago so yea.

    Crystal Eclips
